Q: I have a friend who is considering joining the Roman Catholic Church. I've heard a lot of different opinions on Catholics... some people I know say it's just another denomination, others say they aren't really Christians, and still others say that they're the only true Christians! Any help you can give to clear this up for me? A: In Part 1 we set the table for the importance of this issue. In this post we will examine the major dividing issues between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism. Of first importance is the nature of the Gospel . Part 1 ended with the Apostle Paul's strong words that any other gospel other than the one he preached leads to eternal damnation ( anathema ). According to the biblical text, the grace of God for forgiveness of sins is received by repentance (turning from your sins and turning to God as Lord and King) and putting your complete trust in Him by faith as your Savior and only means of salvation. This was the cry of the R...
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