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Showing posts from May, 2018

10 Things An Evangelist Is Not

You've probably heard the term Evangelist before. Most people have. The term most likely brings something to mind. Sometimes positive. Often negative. Does your idea match what other people think of when they hear the term evangelist? More importantly, do any of these ideas match what the Bible tells us an evangelist is ? The truth is that most of the popular ideas about what an evangelist is and does are based on the culture, not the Bible. This is a problem. The cultural idea of an evangelist is so popular that it is beginning to be used by companies. If you go to popular job sites and put the term evangelist into the search bar you will find many non-church jobs looking for evangelists. Many of these positions include the duties of spreading knowledge about a particular company, product, service, or idea. The Bible tells us that Jesus gave some Evangelists for His church. And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as...

How To Bring Men To Christ - A Review

How To Bring Men To Christ by R.A. Torrey was recommended to me recently. I'm glad that it was. A short book and quick read. Even so, it contains a lot of powerful information. Some readers will take issue with some of Torrey's theological positions. However, there is much wisdom that can be gleaned in the main thrust which is bringing people to a saving knowledge of Christ through the use of God's word under the leading of the Holy Spirit. Greatest Strengths 1. Dependence Upon God's Word and Spirit Torrey emphasizes from beginning to end the need for the effective witness to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit and the power of God's word. Nothing else will be effective in bringing the lost to the living Lord and Savior. The first chapter deals with certain conditions that Torrey believes are necessary for the Christian to be effective in service and witness. The final chapter discusses the controversial topic of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Regardless...