Q: Thank you for this discussion regarding sex and it being appropriately confined within a "marriage". But you indicated that God views a couple as married once they have sex. So what happens in the case of premarital sex with multiple partners? Is a person only considered married, in God's eyes, to the first person they had sex with? What happens if someone, that's a virgin, has sex with someone that's not? Should the former consider themselves married while the later considers it an adulterous affair? There must be a Scriptural answer to this can-of-worms. A: This question was pulled from the comments on the original post on Sexual Morality . If you haven't read that post it is beneficial to understand what ground has already been covered. The commenter's questions are good ones. They are right to point out that this is indeed a can of worms ! Bucking traditional wisdom, however, we are in fact going to "open" this issue and see what h...
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