Q: If our sins are forgiven, what are we going to stand judgment for? A: Part of the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that "... there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus " (Romans 8:1). This is great news indeed! How amazing that the Holy and Righteous Judge and Creator of the world has made a way for rebellious and wicked sinners to be reconciled to Him. Jesus the Christ, the one who became accursed by God so that all who believe in Him could be justly forgiven, and who rose from the dead and who is exalted at the right hand of God, has secured a victory over sin, death and the devil both now and forever. On the foundation of this completed work of Christ, believers can have assurance that they will be able to stand on the Day of Judgment. This is why it is good and right to sing the praises of Him who has overcome! Because of what Jesus has done, the Bible teaches very clearly that our salvation is not on the basis of deeds, but on ...
Fourth Year Ministries exists to bring glory to God through emphasizing the biblical church leadership given by Christ to equip His church to live for the glory of God. Get Equipped. Obey Your King. Glorify Your God.