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Showing posts from March, 2012

Making Sense of the Censuses

Question - “Do you think the census' of the Israelites is accurate or symbolic when they leave Egypt and the 2 times after that in Numbers? I read about this and had never heard about it before and would like your thoughts.” I found this to be an interesting question. I had never heard of any controversies regarding the accuracy of these censuses either. So, I contacted the Questioner to gain some insight as to what prompted this question. After that discussion and with a little checking of my own I was able to get a general understanding that, for one reason or another (which I believe all stems from the same source which I will disclose later), the accuracy of the number of Israelites that left Egypt after the 430 years of slavery, and/or entered into the Holy Land after the 40 years of wandering has sometimes been disputed or the cause of controversy. Rather than try to discover, discuss, and dispute all the different attacks against what Scripture says on this matter, I w

The Rapture? Part 2

For Part 1, please click here . Q: W hat biblical references support pre tribulation and which ones support post tribulation? If you care to give us your personal thoughts on the matter, that would be okay too. We have friends in both camps. A: The purpose in this second part will be to interact more with the Scriptural reasons why I hold to my particular view of the Rapture and Christ's return as opposed to other possible views. You may be persuaded by my reasoning and you may not (both are okay). My hope is that it will encourage you to think through these issues in a biblical fashion and cause you to examine your view more carefully in light of the Scriptures. If you believe I've left out some important passage(s), please feel free to add your thoughts in the comments section. Here's an overview of my understanding of the Bible's teaching on this matter before we get into the details. 1. I believe Christ will come back physically and visibly, in the sam

The Rapture? Part 1

Q: What biblical references support pre tribulation and which ones support post tribulation? If you care to give us your personal thoughts on the matter, that would be okay too. We have friends in both camps. A: This is a great question. It's also a huge question. As I've been praying and thinking about how to answer, it seems that there is no short way to answer the question and still be faithful to those who hold a different view. This is one of those questions that genuine Christians who love and serve the Lord can reasonably disagree on, in my opinion. The timing of the return of Christ is difficult to determine (unless you're Harold Camping , that is...) and there are actually several more "camps" than the question alludes to. Within the Premillennial camp, there are those who hold to a pre- and post-tribulation Rapture of the Church, as well as those who believe in a mid-tribulation Rapture. However, not all Christians are Premillennial. There are