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Showing posts from October, 2017

Jesus Is King

(Tract available from our friends over at ) While sharing the gospel last weekend I had the opportunity to speak with a young man who does not believe the same things that I do. We didn't argue with each other. We didn't call each other names other than the ones given to us by our parents. Neither of us got angry or raised our voices. No fingers were pointed in faces or poked into chests. No insults were thrown or intellects questioned. It was nice. But we still disagreed. One of the great things about our country is that we have the freedom to believe as we choose. Other people don't have to like our beliefs or our opinions. Other people don't have to share them. But we are free to believe. It's our right. We have an inalienable right. Even if we use that right to be wrong . The constitutional freedom to believe differently is a good thing. But we fool ourselves if we think we can all be correct in our beliefs. We can...

Share Jesus Without Fear - A Review

You've got to love an evangelism training book that starts with a chapter titled, "You Can't Fail." I've been in ministry long enough to know that many don't share the gospel with others because they are afraid to fail. They are afraid of looking stupid. They fear making things worse by not knowing every answer or becoming argumentative. But William Fay is right. When you share the gospel faithfully and define your goals appropriately, failure isn't an option. Fay's book, Share Jesus Without Fear seeks to help focus the willing follower of Christ's attention on the proper focus of evangelism while providing a method of leading the conversation that eliminates any and all argument. Greatest Strengths 1. Fay's Method is Easy To Master and Implement Immediately. Essentially, Fay lays out a strategy of evangelism that allows God's Word and the person you are sharing with to do all the work. In order to make this possible, the Chri...